The Who2 Blog

GM Will Resell the Tiger Woods Crash Car

How much would you pay to drive the Tiger Woods Escalade — the one he crashed in November while (allegedly) being chased with a golf club by his wife Elin Nordegren?

GM has stopped loaning Tiger Woods new cars, says USA Today’s Drive On column. But buried in the story is this nugget:

The vehicles have been returned to GM. Drive On reported previously that the Escalade that Woods was driving will be repaired and sold.

Here’s that previous report, in which a Cadillac spokesman says the Escalade will be auctioned — if Cadillac doesn’t keep it and return it to its own pool of promotional vehicles.

Surely they’ll mix it in with other Escalades and sell it anonymously? They wouldn’t just auction it off as the Tiger Woods Crash Car? Or “The Caddy That Wrecked a Marriage”? Or, with apologies to Tom Wolfe, “The Cablinasian Text-Message Nine-Iron Streamline Baby”?

Jay Leno, here’s your next historic auto purchase!

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