The Who2 Blog

Happy Birthday, Neil Armstrong!

The first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong, turns 80 years old today. Happy birthday, Mr. Armstrong!

Neil Armstrong has been in the news lately — for example, according to the Austrian Independent he’s giving an interview on television tonight. That’s rare. Armstrong is famously shy, the antiBuzz Aldrin when it comes to making personal appearances. Yes, yes… there are some knuckleheads who take Armstrong’s shyness as some kind of proof that the moon landing was faked. Good solid proof it is, too.

In other Armstrong news, this item from 20 July is a gang-that-couldn’t-shoot-straight tale of a customs official at Boston’s Logan Airport who swiped Armstrong’s signature and tried to sell it. Now he and his partner are facing up to four years in prison — for a signature that’s only worth a thousand bucks (at most).

Here’s a video clip of Armstrong’s first walk on the moon:

And here’s more solid proof that something was fishy with the moon landing — a reverse speech interpretation of a handful of Armstrong’s words, titled “What More needs To Be Said ?”:

What more needs to be said?

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