The Who2 Blog

Independence Day Babies are a Strange Blend

A photo of Mike Sorrentino showing his abs, with the head of Calvin Coolidge superimposed over his

Have two men ever been less alike than Calvin Coolidge and Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino? One was our closed-mouthed 30th president; the other is the big-mouthed star of a silly reality show.

But both were born on the 4th of July. That right there should forever discredit the notion of Zodiac signs. But the larger point is that both are part of the great flag-waving American tapestry. 

Let’s celebrate some other American tapestry types born on July 4th:

  • Al Davis (born 1929), scrappy owner of the NFL’s Oakland Raiders.

Happy birthday to them all, and happy 236th birthday to the United States of America.


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