The Who2 Blog

Students Examine Chandra Levy Case

Nearly seven years have passed since intern Chandra Levy disappeared in Washington, D.C.

Her remains were found a year later, but nobody has ever been charged with her murder. Now students at Bauder College in Atlanta will spend a year digging into the case, according to The Modesto Bee.

Levy’s body was found in Rock Creek Park in 2002. By that time investigators had discovered that Levy had had a romantic affair with California Congressman Gary Condit. That news led to Condit’s defeat in the next elections, but police don’t seem to consider him a suspect in the case.

The San Francisco Chronicle ran an update on the case last year. Levy’s family still hosts a web page,, inviting citizens to submit tips on the crime.

[ 2017 update: The Levy family web page is no longer live. For recent updates on the case, try a Chandra Levy search on the Modesto Bee. ]

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