Posts tagged: Johnny Carson

Fixing the Oscar Host Problem

In which we wade in, clean up the mess, and pick the perfect host for next year.

Bill Cosby is Back in the Navy

Comedian Bill Cosby was made an honorary chief petty officer by the U.S. Navy this week.

Charles Nelson Reilly Isn’t Quite 80

Charles Nelson Reilly would have turned 80 today, had he not died in a few years back, alas.  He was born on this day in 1931.

Conan O’Brien Statement — Transcript

[Conan O’Brien released this statement to the public this afternoon.]People of Earth:In the last few days, I’ve been getting a lot of sympathy calls, and I want to start by making it clear that no one should waste a second feeling sorry for me.  For 17 years, I’ve been getting paid to do what I love most and, in a world with real problems, I’ve been absurdly lucky.  That said, I’ve been suddenly put in a very public predicament and my bosses are demanding an immediate decision.