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For Pete’s Sakes, Steve Fossett Did Not Fake His Own Death

  • Brrrother. The tabloids are doing their best to reopen the Steve Fossett case, suddenly yakking about how Fossett may have faked his own death.

    Why? “Had financial problems” and “Wanted to run away with a mistress” seem to be the two leaders, though neither one makes much sense. (Dude couldn’t run away with a mistress without faking his own death?)

    This piece from the British tabloid News of the World seems to have kicked off the frenzy.

    The Nevada Appeal has a more likely theory about the hubbub: “The British love the Americana that Nevada can offer — brothels, Las Vegas and elaborate conspiracies.”

    We agree it’s a fascinating case — and we love disappearing acts — but let’s not be silly.

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