Facts about Nannie Doss

Born: 1906
Died: 1965 (cancer)
Best known as: "The Jolly Black Widow" serial killer


Nannie Doss Biography

Name at birth: Nannie Hazle

Nannie Doss was a serial poisoner responsible for eleven murders between the 1920s and 1954, when she finally confessed in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Doss’s fifth husband died in October of 1954, and an autopsy found that he’d been poisoned with arsenic. More investigations revealed that in all Nannie had killed four husbands, two children, her two sisters, her mother, a grandson and a nephew. She admitted that she had killed her husbands because they didn’t measure up: "I was searching for the perfect mate, the real romance of life." She became infamous for appearing amused while recounting her crimes, and the papers dubbed her "The Giggling Granny" and "The Jolly Black Widow," as well as "Arsenic Annie." Sentenced to life in prison, she died in 1965 of cancer.


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