Patty Jenkins

Facts about Patty Jenkins

Patty Jenkins is 52 years old
Born: July 24, 1971
Best known as: The director of 2017's 'Wonder Woman'



Patty Jenkins Biography

Patty Jenkins is a television director and the filmmaker who made the feature films Monster and Wonder Woman.

A graduate of Cooper Union and the American Film Institute, Jenkins worked in television before writing and directing her first film, 2003’s Monster.

The film was a success and star Charlize Theron won an Oscar for her portrayal of serial killer Aileen Wuornos.

Jenkins has since worked mostly in television, including directing episodes of Arrested Development and The Killing.

Her second feature film was 2017’s Wonder Woman, starring Gal Gadot.

With its box office success, Jenkins set a record for a woman director.


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