Facts about Rebecca West

Rebecca West died at 90 years old
Died: March 15, 1983
Birthplace: London, England
Best known as: Critic, journalist, novelist and literary celebrity

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Rebecca West Biography

Name at birth: Cicily Isabel Fairfield

Rebecca West published her first novel in 1918, The Return of the Soldier. She is perhaps best known for her journalistic studies of the Nazi war crimes trials in Nuremberg: The Meaning of Treason (1947) and A Train of Powder (1955). In 1959 West was made a Dame of the British Empire, and in the late 1970s she gained new popularity, thanks largely to the feminist movement.

Extra credit

West famously had love affairs with movie star Charlie Chaplin, author H.G. Wells and businessman and politician Lord Beaverbrook (William Aitken).


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