Liu Cixin

Facts about Cixin Liu

Liu Cixin is 61 years old
Born: June 23, 1963
Birthplace: Yangquan, China
Best known as: The author of 'The Three-Body Problem'

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Liu Cixin Biography

Liu Cixin is a Chinese science fiction author whose novel The Three-Body Problem won the Hugo Award in 2015. He is the first Asian to win the award.

An engineer by profession, Liu writes science fiction short stories and novels that have won numerous awards in China since 2003.

The Three-Body Problem and its sequels, The Dark Forest and Death’s End, follow humanity’s encounter with an alien race intent on invading Earth. It was first published in 2006 and translated into English by Ken Liu (no relation) in 2014.

Liu writes “hard” science fiction and has been compared to sci-fi great Arthur C. Clarke, whom he claims as an influence.


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