Facts about Vicente Fox

Vicente Fox is 82 years old
Born: July 2, 1942
Birthplace: Mexico City, Mexico
Best known as: President of Mexico, 2000-2006

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Vicente Fox Biography

The candidate from the National Action Party (PAN), Vicente Fox Quesada was elected the 62nd president of Mexico on 2 July 2000, defeating Francisco Labastida of the Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI). Fox began working for Coca-Cola in 1964, starting as a delivery driver and ending up as the president of the company in Mexico. He entered politics in the 1980s and in 1995 was elected governor of the central state of Guanajuato. His personal charisma and promises of change and economic development led to his easy election as president in what was called the “fairest” election in Mexico’s history. After his term he was replaced by President Felipe Calderón on 1 December 2006.

Extra credit

The 2000 election was the first in seven decades in which the PRI candidate did not win the presidency… Fox married Marta Sahagún Jiménez on 2 July 2001, the first anniversary of his election and his 59th birthday… The Quesada in his name is his mother’s family name.


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