Zhang Ziyi wears a… tiara?

Zhang Ziyi poses for photos on the red carpet at the 2009 Cannes International Film Festival. This was on May 24, 2009, at a screening of the fictional biopic Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky. We've been staring at that tiara, or hairband, on Zhang Ziyi's head for quite some now and don't know what to make of it. It could be a $3.99 plastic hairband she grabbed at the Cannes Walmart just before the show, or it could be a platinum-and-diamond piece of superjewelry, borrowed from Fred Winston of Beverly Hills and worth $2,000,000. We just can't tell from here. What IS clear is that the body glitter we speculated on earlier is in plain evidence here.

See our biography of Zhang Ziyi