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Famous People Born in 1905
From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
De Hory, Elmyr
Art forger and author of the book
Ederle, Gertrude
October 23
The first woman to swim the English Channel
Fonda, Henry
May 16
Tom Joad in the movie
The Grapes of Wrath
Freleng, Friz
August 21
The animator who did
The Pink Panther
Garbo, Greta
September 18
The starlet who said "I want to be alone"
Hughes, Howard
December 24
The 20th century's famous billionaire aviator, businessman and recluse
Kunitz, Stanley
July 29
U.S. Poet Laureate, 2000-01
Paige, Satchel
July 7
Negro League pitcher who made it to the majors in his 40s
Rand, Ayn
February 2
The author of
The Fountainhead
and leader of Objectivism movement
Sarte, Jean-Paul
June 21
The existentialist author of
Being and Nothingness
Trumbo, Dalton
December 9
The blacklisted screenwriter who wrote
Johnny Got His Gun
Wills, Bob
March 6
The King of Western Swing
Wong, Anna May
January 3
Hollywood's first Chinese American film star
Zapruder, Abraham
May 15
The man who took a home movie of JFK being shot
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in 1905
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