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From the Who2 database of 4,809 musicians, actors, historical figures, and other celebrities:
Allen, Steve
The original host of
The Tonight Show
Boon, D.
Guitarist and singer for punk band Minutemen
Camus, Albert
Nobel-winning author of
The Stranger
Chapin, Harry
Singer of the 1972 hit "Taxi"
Charles III
The king of Great Britain, 2022-present
Cruzan, Nancy
The subject of
Cruzan v. Missouri
Dean, James
Movie icon and star of
Rebel Without a Cause
Diana, Princess of Wales
The "People's Princess" and ex-wife of Britain's Prince Charles
Duncan, Isadora
Free-spirited modern dancer of the early 1900s
Earnhardt, Dale
Nascar's "The Intimidator"
Kelly, Grace
The actress who became Princess of Monaco
Kennedy, Edward (Ted)
U.S. senator from Massachusetts, 1962-2009
Kinison, Sam
Screaming, round comic who recorded
Loud As Hell
Kopechne, Mary Jo
The woman killed in Ted Kennedy's crash on Chappaquiddick Island
Kovacs, Ernie
Zany 1950s TV comedian
Lopes, Lisa
Rapper/singer for the group TLC
Mansfield, Jayne
The Hollywood bombshell killed in a 1967 car crash
Mitchell, Margaret
The author of
Gone With the Wind
Mix, Tom
Fancy-dressin' silent film cowboy
Patton, George S.
Commander of the U.S. Third Army in World War II
Pollock, Jackson
The abstract painter who splattered his canvasses
Prefontaine, Steve
Oregon running legend and subject of the film
Prince Rainier III
Ruler of Monaco and husband of Princess Grace
Smith, Bessie
Classic blues singer dubbed "Empress of the Blues"
Stephanie, Princess
Monaco's former wild-child princess
Critter Defenders
Death by Yacht
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