Facts about Zachary Quinto

Zachary Quinto is 47 years old
Born: June 2, 1977
Best known as: The new Spock in the feature film series Star Trek



Zachary Quinto Biography

Actor Zachary Quinto broke through with the role of serial mutant-killer Sylar on the TV series Heroes; he then played Mr. Spock in the 2009 film version of Star Trek (with Chris Pine as James T. Kirk). A native of Pennsylvania, Zachary Quinto graduated from Carnegie Mellon’s School of Drama in 1999 and headed for Hollywood. He started getting TV roles the next year, and in the second half of the first season of Heroes (in 2007) Quinto emerged as spooky Sylar, the psycho-stalker of Claire (played by Hayden Panettiere). While Heroes was hot property on TV, Quinto joined the cast of the 2009 feature film Star Trek as Mr. Spock (played on television in the 1960s by Leonard Nimoy). The film was a big boxoffice success, and he returned as Spock in the 2013 sequel, Star Trek Into Darkness. He has also continued with roles in theater, including a 2013 run as the son Tom in the Tennessee Williams play The Glass Menagerie at the American Repertory Theater in Boston.


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