A-to-Z List
Who Was Born on My Birthday?
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Famous Scientists
Bancroft, Edward
Double agent of the Revolutionary War
Crick, Francis
Co-discoverer of the structure of DNA
Curie, Marie
Discoverer of radium and polonium
Curie, Pierre
The scientist husband of Marie Curie
Dalton, John
The weather pioneer who advocated atomic theory
Da Vinci, Leonardo
Painter of the
Mona Lisa
Fleming, Alexander
The bacteriologist who discovered penicillin
Franklin, Rosalind
The woman whose crystal studies showed the structure of DNA
Garfield, Eugene
Founder of the Institute for Scientific Information
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
The German dramatist known for
Haber, Fritz
The German chemist who made fertilizer and poison gas in World War I
Halley, Edmond
Discoverer of Halley's Comet
Hubble, Edwin
The astronomer the Hubble space telescope is named after
Lee, Wen Ho
U.S. scientist falsely accused of being a Chinese spy
McClintock, Barbara
The genetics scientist who learned from maize
Mendel, Gregor
The founding father of modern genetics
Messier, Charles
French comet hunter who first catalogued nebulae
Narin, Francis
Scientometrics pioneer who started CHI Research
Newton, Sir Isaac
The genius who explained gravity
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
The physicist who directed the Manhattan Project
Pasteur, Louis
Renowned inventor of pasteurization
Priestley, Joseph
The Englishman credited with discovering oxygen
Salk, Jonas
Developer of the polio vaccine
Servetus, Michael
The 16th century heretic who also explained pulmonary circulation
Smithson, James
The man whose money founded the Smithsonian Institution
Stopes, Marie
The UK birth control pioneer who wrote 'Married Love'
Swammerdam, Jan
The 17th-century Dutch microscopist who studied insects
Vesalius, Andreas
16th-century Belgian anatomist who wrote
The Structure of the Human Body
Wallace, Alfred Russel
Darwin's contemporary who came up with natural selection
Watson, James
Co-discoverer of the structure of DNA
Scandal Figure
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