Posts tagged: Platonic Friendships

Warren Buffett, Bridge Fanatic

Whenever I do something extremely dumb, we usually get a good
result… That’s the
only thing she would find extremely irritating about me, is when I make
some colossal mistake and it turns out to give us a good score.Warren Buffett on his platonic bridge partner, Sharon Osberg.

Robert Burns: Here’s a Bottle and an Honest Friend!

Robert Burns, beloved poet of Scotland, turns 251 today. As a Burns birthday salute, here’s the poem “A Bottle and Friend,” published when Burns was 28. The theme is one of his favorites: the simple pleasures of life. A Bottle and FriendThere’s nane that’s blest of human kind,But the cheerful and the gay, man,Fal, la, la, &c.Here’s a bottle and an honest friend!What wad ye wish for mair, man?Wha kens, before his life may end,