Posts tagged: LeBron James

Dr. J and Larry Bird for Chewable Converse All-Stars

Dr. J and Larry Bird (and Magic Johnson too!) love their Chuck Taylors.  Not actually chewable, but definitely gumball-colored. Official shoe of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, y’know.

Lebron James v. Cleveland

You have to hand it to the folks behind this this video response to the Nike and Lebron James commercial called “Rise.”
The “Rise” video deserves all the grief — it’s too precious by half. Here you can see the Cleveland “response” and the original ad:

Waiting on LeBron

Basketball fans — especially those in Cleveland — are waiting for word on where free agent LeBron James will end up playing next season.
Sports analysts on TV and radio have been guessing for months because James’s contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers expired this year. Will “King James” stay in Cleveland and finally bring them a championship? Will he go to New York where the lights are brighter? Will he go to New Jersey, where he can see New York’s brighter lights? Will he announce his decision on The View or Oprah?

“One Take, Baby”

LeBron James sinks an incredible shot during an interview with 60 Minutes.Here’s the full show.