Posts tagged: Rosa Parks

Happy Birthday, Rosa Parks!

American civil rights icon Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913 in Tuskegee, Alabama. She made her mark in history in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955, when she refused to …..

Emmett Till Would Be Just 70 Years Old Now

Emmett Till, the black 14-year-old whose murder helped spark the Civil Rights revolution of 1955, was born on this day in Chicago in 1941. He’s been dead for 56 years, yet he’d be just 70 years old today.

Happy Birthday, Rita and David

Today is the birthday of American poet Rita Dove (born 1952) and film director David Fincher (born 1962).In celebration, here’s a charming video interview from 1999, in which Rita talks to Charlie Rose about her poetry and Rosa Parks.