The Who2 Blog

Sportscaster Pat Summerall Died

Pat Summerall has died, at the age of 82. I don’t even watch sports on TV, but I still recognize Pat Summerall as one of the greats when it comes to TV broadcasters.

Pat Summerall died from a heart attack. He was the voice of the NFL on TV for a couple of decades… John Madden‘s on-air partner.

Pat Summerall was a big guy — and if you count the time he spent as a player for the New York Giants (a kicker), he spent 50 years in the heart of professional football.

He was the steady, professional broadcaster who tempered the more famous outbursts of John Madden. He had that voice, too.

Take a look, here in 1984:

And here’s a nice retrospective from a fan:

And, beyond his career, Pat Summerall opened up about his battle with alcoholism:

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