Posts tagged: heart trouble

Headline of the Day

Not even sure this qualifies as irony. 

Happy 100th Deathday, Gustav Mahler!

The great Viennese composer and conductor Gustav Mahler died in his beloved Vienna on this day in 1911. Mahler had a weak heart, and he had been struggling with a bacterial infection of the heart tissues for several weeks. The New York Times obituary noted that his death “was precipitated by the spread of his heart affliction to his lungs, which developed a fatal pneumonic weakness during the last few days.”  He was only 50, for pete’s sakes. 

Dick Cheney’s Heart, Then and Now

So Dick Cheney had a pump implanted in his heart last week. The prognosis is uncertain: it may be the prelude to heart transplant surgery, or it may be a semi-reliable solution that could endure for years.