Bob Hope hurt his ankle in 1965, when someone “shoved him off the stage” in Thailand. Bob Hope used Brut 33 cologne and Gillette shaving cream. Quite by accident, I learned that and more this week.
While I was celebrating the 84th birthday of Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej earlier in the week, I came across a brief news story from the Miami News, dated 23 December, 1965. While at the air force base in Korat, Thailand, Bob Hope was shoved off the stage and ended up with a couple of torn ligaments in his ankle.
As you can see, he performed in Bangkok anyway. Then Bob Hope apparently went on his way to Siagon, no doubt to entertain American troops.
Last night I happened upon the wonderful site Lists of Note, an off-shoot of the other wonderful site Letters of Note. Front and center was this list of items Bob Hope requested for his tour around the world in 1969:

I like how straight-forward it is. Go take a look at Lists of Note.
And for more Bob Hope pleasure, I leave you with these two images, and the question: which of these “surreal” images is more surreal?