How long has Queen Elizabeth II ruled?
Put it this way: If she were to die tomorrow (God forbid)… and were Prince Charles to succed her as King… and were Charles to live to 123 years of age… then in the year 2072 we would celebrate another Diamond Jubilee for a British monarch.
It’s not likely to happen. So enjoy these photos from Queen Elizabeth’s very rare Diamond Jubilee weekend.

No one has a royal game face quite like the Queen. She was ready for action on Saturday at the Epsom Derby, the kickoff event for Jubilee weekend.

The Duke of Edinburgh, age 90, also came to play. I wish I had his dresser.

Tributes to the Queen were everywhere.

Along the Thames, a photo of the Royal Family from the Queen’s Silver Jubilee celebration in 1977. The Brits know how to set the stage.

Late Sunday morning, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall sat down to lunch at a street party in Picadilly. People say he’s a toff or a twit or a nob or whatever the British insult is, but I like the guy. Camilla also seems like a gamer.

Time for the main event: the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee River Pageant Flotilla. Sunday was wet, but commentators agreed (again and again) that the British spirit was unbowed.

Here she comes!

The Queen was well-wrapped for the weather. She and Prince Philip found plenty to talk about on their way upriver.

The Queen’s barge arrives with full protective escort.

An estimated one million Brits lined the Thames to watch the flotilla…

…and were in turn saluted by the Queen. She abandoned her usual pastels for a Jubilee-appropriate shimmer.

The next generation. Prince Harry and Prince William wear their active-duty military garb; the Duchess of Cambridge wears red from Alexander McQueen.

Kate had a big smile for the Queen. She sure can wear the clothes.

Not all the revelers were strictly respectful. But it all seemed to be in good fun.

In the end, though, it’s hard to make fun of this Queen. She’s a little too cool, a little too bulletproof for that. You don’t need to love the monarchy to admit that she plays her role very well indeed.
Here’s hoping she’s around for a Double Diamond Jubilee in 2022.